Local News Article on Adrian Crowe Athletic Training!

Hello Everyone,

Wanted to share some awesome news for those that haven’t heard already:

In the current issue of the First In Line Entertainment & Sports (F.I.L.E.S) newspaper is an article on yours truly!

This article was a long time in the making and I want to send a huge shout out to Will Turner who penned the article, Robert Yun who publishes this fantastic and ever improving newspaper,  Masi Bardi who took the fantastic photos and last but not least: Andy Suitela who supported the idea and really made it happen.

The timing could not have been better with September being such a busy month for the fitness industry, the arrival of my business online at the new website: www.adriancrowe.com and the busy blog: www.adriancrowe.wordpress.com and my YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/user/acathletictraining as well as another article of mine recently added to this great ebook (which you can obtain for free). It’s been a busy last few months and this F.I.L.E.S. article was really icing on the cake.

You can obtain your own copy of the article at the various locations it’s distributed “F.I.L.E.S. is available at more than 500 convenient locations including BLOCKBUSTER VIDEOS, FITNESS WORLDS, MOVIE THEATERS, MAJOR SHOPPING DISTRICT CENTRE MALLS, COLLEGES, UNIVERSITIES, COMMUNITY CENTRES, LIBRARIES, CAR DEALERSHIPS, and hundreds of of other locations from Horseshoe Bay to Chilliwack” (as per website); One of those locations, of course, being Suitela Fight Club.

Can’t find a physical copy?  Go here to check the article out online (though it looks better in print as all things do)!

If you enjoyed the article and want to see more of me and the Suitela team make sure you let Robert Yun know!! You can reach him at ryune@filesnews.com

Shoot me some feedback! And keep checking your emails (and the blog) frequently, got TONS more going on and coming up in the next couple of months! Everything from new athlete training sponsorships, to t-shirts, to a new custom Strength Wraps product, to Ladies Only: Shape & Conditioning class specials and more!

Special Extended: Buy 10 Sessions, Get 4 Free!!! Offer Expires Oct 8th!

Hello Everyone,

I hope you’ve all fallen into a sweet little groove that this time of year allows for. I know it can be challenge as things will still keep coming up. And hey, we’ve got Thanksgiving coming soon, Halloween and they’re even selling Christmas decorations at Costco already! Time flys for sure!!



And speaking of that, a handful of you already took advantage of the special I ran a couple weeks back:

BUY 10 SESSIONS, GET 4 FREE!! All unused sessions expire NOV. 31ST, 2011. OFFER EXPIRES SATURDAY, SEPT. 24TH!


I really didn’t have enough time to follow up with everyone about this and with more big news I’ll be sharing in an email late tomorrow (for those that don’t already know), I am going to extend this special until Oct 8th! Any unused sessions will still expire Nov 31st (but you’ve should already used them up by then).
And I’m even going to sweeten the pot with a HUGE thanks to my good friends over at Q Energy who kindly sent me this message:
Over here at Q Energy Drink we were pretty stoked to see Adrian get online AND to offer such an awesome special to do some training with him. We’re firm believers in being healthy, energetic and happy and we would like to encourage people to take advantage of Adrian’s offer.

To that end, we will give a free ten pack of Q – The Healthy Energy Drink to each of the first ten people who sign up for Adrian’s special. 

Let’s face it, if you’re going to train with Adrian not only will you need some extra energy to keep up, but you will be happy to have some recovery help between sessions.

Our main ingredient, Quercetin, not only provides a healthy energy boost but is an awesome anti-inflammatory as well. So get moving with Adrian. We’ll be there to help.

The Q Energy Drink Team

There are still a few spots left in the first 10 to take the special. Those who have thus far will, of course, get their free 10 pack. Just let me know which flavor you prefer: lemon-lime or wildberry (I have one of each a day; I like them both!).

Check out my review of this fantastic product over on my blog here and on my new website if you’ve not seen it so far!

If you just can’t seem to commit to yourself, get in the gym regularly and get it done: this is the best time of the entire year to make that happen! 14 one-on-one personal training sessions with myself and for the first 10 to take advantage of the special: a free 10 Pack of Q – The Healthy Energy Drink is going to be the absolute best way of ensuring you’re pushing your hardest and having the most fun achieving those goals!

Offer expires Oct 8th, get on it!

Yet Another Reason You’re Not Making Progress

One of the single most effective weight training programs I ever used was AST Sport Science’s Max-OT.

OT stands for OVERLOAD TRAINING. Overload being the key to muscle growth. I used this program for about 1.5 years, the longest I’ve ever stuck with any training program. Consistency was a key for sure but the simplistic nature of this program and it’s requirement to always be lifting heavier led to some weight lifting numbers I have to this day never broke, even 5 years later. I swear I will go back to this style of training one day, when I have far less time available than I currently do to workout as I really prefer long workouts and quite frankly Max-OT’s limitation of exercise selection leaves one bored within a few months. But there was that thing about making great gains to consider!

Back to the reason for this RANT. Overload is probably the single greatest factor in changing one’s body period!

What do I mean by overload, well, let’s use a more commonplace synonym: PR which stands for personal record.

What’s the heaviest bench press, squat, deadlift or any lift you’ve ever done? What’s the greatest number of push ups or pull ups or windshield wiper ab jackknife backflip clap core crunchers you have ever done? And the most important question: how long ago did that happen?

I guarantee you this: aim to reach PR’s often, across many lifts without getting injured; in fact, better that by reaching PR’s often and getting better at the movement, not just stronger…not only will you have some useless number to brag and compete with your friends about but you will surely be progressing faster than you ever have towards your long-term aesthetic goals.

There is a direct correlation between the frequency of PR’s and the speed of aesthetic progress. Want more muscle with less fat? Want people to be asking all the time, “Whoa! What have you been doing lately?” Set more PR’s!

So, what AND WHEN was the last PR you set? And what’s the next one you’re targeting?



16hrs and Counting….

Here’s what my Tuesday this week looked like:

Wake: 5am, eat breakfast

Train clients and my workout: 6am-1:30pm

Chiropractic/ART appointment and each lunch: 2:30pm

Train clients 3:45-9pm

Go home, eat, send work emails, surf the web to shut mind off, go to sleep around 10:30pm (which is early for me)

So in total I trained 8 people, had my workout, ate a bunch, went to my chiro, did other work stuff (writing programs, sending emails, cleaning the gym space after each client) all in about 18hours. 4/7 days of my week look like this. On the other days I have less clients, some days I have more business end work I have to do, and a lot of my free time I adore spending with my gorgeous girlfriend. I’ve always hated the word “busy” as it seems to imply “unavailable” which I strive to never be; I want to help people reach their goals. I do my best to find a way to make it happen. But I am busy.

Looking at my “To Do” list today I realized it’s always a long, ever changing list and I get excited by that. It’s surely better than being bored and having nothing to do. It can stress me maybe sometimes but I so very much treat my day like a battery. When the energy is drained and gone, that’s it. It’s all I’ve got to give, I need my recharge and down time. There is no going beyond that point. Then tomorrow with a hopefully recharged battery, I’m back at it.

So ENERGY IS THE COMMODITY THAT RUNS MY LIFE. The more energy I have, the better I am. The more wisely I can use it, the more I get done. The more I’ve left when my work day has ended the more rich my home life is. Energy is more valuable to me than money, for without energy, I won’t be able to excel at my job and therefore: no money. Anyone who runs their own business quite frankly knows, what you put in, you get out. If you’re not getting enough out it’s usually a clue there’s not enough going in. Energy is everything!

Here’s where my “Nuclear Juice” and “Pink Magic Juice” comes in (see pic above). I wish sometimes I liked the taste of coffee, that stuff seems to work for most people but I find it nasty, even the smell of it. And the idea of spending $3 for a one cup of a 21 consinant named drink sounds mental to me. Tea is awesome but try drinking more than 2-3 cups of green tea and you’ll soon have a belly ache. I love caffiene. It’s gives me a ton of energy. BUT it has a very nasty side effect: too much and you tax the hell out of your adrenal glands. I can’t even begin to count the amount of times I’ve fallen into adrenal fatigue. And trust me, that’s not a good thing when you have borderline bipolar disorder. I eat food, I eat a lot. I workout. I could probably sleep more but to be honest getting the recommended 8 hours leaves me groggy all day. 6.5 seems to be the daily magic number and a 10-12hr sleep once a week is where’s it’s at for me. So the eternal question: how do I get more energy, without tanking my adrenals, screwing with my moods and let’s hope to hell this solution is natural and healthy for me?!?

After a lot of years, I found the answer, at least for me. And that’s all I can speak of is my experience with Q Energy drink.

I first tried this stuff at the Spartan Race quite a few months ago. Slammed a half dozen sample cups of it post race. It definately brought me back to my normal again. My gal and I kept saying we should try to find that stuff! And we did finally at a favorite store of mine. But time is precious to me, I don’t want to have to go pick a bunch up all the time. So I made the call, I decided it made more sense for me to become a merchant of this wonderful stuff. And hey, when anyone asks what’s in the pink or yellow jug I’m always drinking out of I’ll give them a sample to try it out. If it works for them, cool, they see me frequently enough it’s an easy buy. And I carry it at the same price Q’s website and all the other stores do (once factoring in tax, and cheaper if you factor in shipping from the Q site).

The Review:

I’ll keep this as short as possible. I’m getting 50% more done with my days. I don’t have uber energy peaks followed by “what-the-hell-just-happened-to-me” crashes (as I was finding with 100-200mg shots of caffiene sources). I’m more pleasant. I’m more articulate. People even comment that I look healthier and am more “up” and “vibrant.” Sure, okay; I’ll take your word for it. I’m just focused on getting it done and making you push until you get to your goals. Energy is all that matters. And if 2 sticks a day helps me drink my 4.6L of water I’m mixing it in (which also gives me energy and keeps me hydrated), costs me only about $50 a month and leaves me with enough energy to tackle that ever changing To Do List, it’s money WELL SPENT!

It’s not a brain spike, like caffiene is. Not at all. The 35mg of caffiene per serving is just enough to feel some stimulation that way. But this is a body energy. The, I wanna get it ALL done today type of energy. For me: 3 months, no crashes, no adrenal fatigue, no lessening of the effects, if anything it’s gotten better.

You need to try this stuff. Go here for more info or come see me for a free sample. Wanna know what’s in it, the science, about how there is NOTHING ARTIFICIAL in it, only 15 calories per serving and why it can be a good thing for you check here

And just to pressure my good friend Jason who owns/runs Q Energy a little more…I hear there is an orange flavor coming out soon!! Isn’t that right, Jason?

100% Faster Results: Just Add Bob

Was reminded today of one of the most valuable training tools one can acquire:

A training partner!

Thinking back on the times I’ve been in the best shape of my life, or thinking of absolutely every single PR I’ve ever set (squat, deadlift, bench press, shoulder press, anything) I did it working out with another person. There’s been plenty of times I’ve trained on my own. I just plug in my iPod, drink my pre/intra workout drink and get it done. I enjoy those workouts. But it’s not the same. Not even close.

You’re telling me when you see your training partner grabbing a higher weight that you’re not going to consider you should be doing the same? You don’t think when you see your partner adding an extra 5 reps to their last set you’re not going to follow suit? She’s running faster, cranking it even higher, she’s not going to quit…not for an instant until this workout is done. Tell me you don’t work your damnest to keep up?

There’s also a bonding that happens when people lift together. I am lucky in that I get to watch couples train together and I’m telling you that it’s the single most positive thing I think a couple (especially young) can do to build a life together. Don’t agree? Have you ever seen what happens when the wife (or husband) of an overweight couple decides they’ve had enough, that THIS is the moment they strive, struggle, fight, claw and suffer to reach their goals? It gets UGLY!

One of two things: the spouse either bucks up and follows suit (usually moaning and groaning about the process) OR they go the complete opposite way, sometimes going so far as to frequently sabotage the results of the person they supposedly care for (eg. husband brings home pizza for dinner when wife trying her damnest to fight the food monster that’s ruining her physique). Ever heard the infamous “you look fantastic just the way you are!” And I DARE any uber fit person who has a spouse where the training lifestyle just isn’t their thing, to try and tell me your lifestyle choices don’t cause problems in your relationship.

Couples that train together, grow together. Even couples that train apart but are at least both getting in shape still gain the benefits of a closer relationship.

Same goes for two buddies training together. I swear, some of the most life affirming guy based conversations I’ve ever had came between sets of hard work. You see what someone is made of when the weight gets heavy, when the body says no and you just keep going. You see a person.

I’m telling you this: find someone that will commit to your schedule. Train however, it really doesn’t matter, just do work. If that person is flaky, get another, NOW. When you find a training partner that will show up and expects you to show up you’re guaranteed to have the best series of workouts and therefore the best progress you’ll ever see in your life!

This post is just a huge thank you to everyone whom I’ve ever worked out with. Seriously, it’s been some of the greatest sources of joy in my life!

Who’s Driving?

Perusing Facebook the past couple days I keep running across a theme: a spewing of motivational quotes or excuses, whining and bitching about things that seemingly get in the way of reaching one’s goals.

I was gonna do this but…

Somewhere in my life I took control of the wheel driving my life, I was tired of feeling like things were happening TO me, instead I wanted things to be happening FOR me. Good or bad, there’s still a difference in leading your life.

You can’t control some stuff in your life, you surely can’t control other people’s actions…how you respond though: that you can.

So are YOU standing in the way of YOU?


Injured? Nagging ache or pain?

Some of you may have noticed I’ve recently added a page to the my website entitled: You’re Dysfunctional

It wasn’t a comment on your mental health, though you do keep coming back despite being sore as hell sometimes from your workouts…oh, and you pay for that by the way…hmmm….let’s just not go there

I don’t want to get into another discussion on injuries, the kinds I’ve been through and the ones I’m dealing with now. Trust me, if you workout long enough, hard enough, play any kind of sport recreationally or professionally or just live long enough you’re gonna have an injury or two cross your path.

I’m knocking on all kinds of wood for ya right now, but still.

Check out the new page, get yourself worked on and get back to athletic beastmode!

Reaffirm, Recommit, Reconnect – Part 2 – The Elusive Ingredient

I hope you took the time to read Part 1 to this following email. Today I want to continue with the discussion on the decision making process. This time I’ll keep it short(er).

The one elusive ingredient that moves someone progressively from one stage of the decision making process to the next is: Motivation

I was recently asked by an excellent trainer out in Ireland to add an article to his upcoming eBook, entitled quite simply: Motivation. Little did I know my article in this eBook would end up running beside 40 other coaches, some of my favorites in fact (like Nick Tumminello, Tony Gentilcore and Bret Contreras) along with others I’ve not run across but are hella interesting (such as Anna Aparicio, a Neural Linguistic Programming {NLP} coach)!

It’s one of the best reads I’ve come across this year!
And might just be WHAT YOU NEED to get you moving onto that next step! I know it makes me wanna get up and go do something RIGHT NOW!

An excerpt from my article:

“Motivation. It seems to be this thing we have, then lose, gain back, then lose again in a neverending cycle. The only two questions that beg asking: how long will it stick around this time? How do I get it back?

As a personal trainer, a large portion of my job is to motivate clients and keep them focused on the goals they initially told me about when I first met them. I can tell you what motivates me. That’s easy. But I had a sneaking suspicion that what worked for me isn’t what works for others. So I posed the question to a sampling of my clientele. Wow, was I right…” 

To obtain the rest of my article along with the entire PDF version Motivation eBook for FREE!!!

Just click here!!!

Plug in your email address and the Motivation eBook will be emailed to you super fast! You can always unsubscribe later, it’s uber simple, though Dave Hedges’ work is excellent if you want to check it out.

Let me know what you think of articles in the eBook (including mine) by posting below!

Your Arch-nemesis: Your Feet!

Let me tell you a little about feet: they’re generally treated second class, some times they smell funny, some people have fetishes over them (not I), some people have nasty looking feet and some people pay upwards of $100 to get a foot massage, bath, scrub and apply fancy paint to their toenails (otherwise known as a pedicure). Some may pamper and some may brutalize their feet but one thing’s for certain: you need them!

THE BACKSTORY (skip ahead to Review if you just want the straight review):

When I was about 18 I faced a back injury. I was chilling, chatting with my girlfriend beside me and my bro behind me on my bed, and in true brotherly fashion, Brandon said something smart ass about me. Of course, the only response warranted would be for me to turn around and give him a good beating! Well, I turned around, arm swinging and all of a sudden a loud RIP, POP, GRIND! Yikes! WTF was that and why am I on the floor crying in brutal pain?

The truth is I was never told what happened. X-rays, physio assessments, no real answer.  I saw my doctor a few days after the injury. He suggested physio and gave me some anti-inflammitories. All I knew was I couldn’t walk without extreme pain in my butt cheek. Literally: a pain in the ass! Long story short the injury went unchecked for 6 months when I’d finally had enough and got back into light squatting and doing all I could to get my glute stronger. I also went to see a chiropractor who at the time said two things to me: “You don’t have enough muscle on you to hold your skeletal structure in its correct alignment.” I was 5’10” and 136lbs. Scrawny. And, “you’ll most likely need orthotics one day.”

What? Orthotics? What does my feet have to do with my friggin’ aching glute (and now lower back)?!?

Well, it turned out the injury was probably caused by my foot arches collapsing over time, combined with chronically tight hamstrings leading to a string of muscles just ready to pop. So that explosive swing towards my brother was what did it.

9 years later, I do a change of career from a desk job to my current profession where I barely sit down. At the gym I was working at they had a 20+ step staircase which I frequented upwards of 30 times a day. Within 3 months I developed plantar faciitis (burning, painful strain on the plantar/arch tendon at bottom of foot). I literally crawled out of bed one morning, stood up, screamed and dropped to the ground. My feet were not able to support my own weight without brutal pain.

Again to the doctor, again with the anti-inflammitories and sure enough my chiro 10 years ago was right: The prescription was orthotics. So I got them. Luckily at the time I had extended health coverage so the $500 cost was reimbursed. So Kintec Foot Labs did me up a pair and let me tell you: orthotics suck! Changing your entire skeletal structure to be aligned (your bones now move and sit differently) is a process I hated. First my feet still hurt, then my knees, then my lower back, then my upper back, then it went back down to my knees. But you know what…after 6 months I was able to pull off 12-16hr days at work, all on my feet and I was okay. Sure my feet were sore sometimes but who’s wouldn’t be.

No problem, I’ll just wear orthotics the rest of my life. Problem solved. Right?

But I came to hate that idea too. Being limited by my platypus feet. But I found a cool trick: that when I deadlifted (which was often) if  I did so in socks or bare feet I could build back up that arch. Really? I could fix this issue? I made good progress with this trick. I was able to get out of my orthotics and just into comfy training shoes half of my day. I was more than happy with that.

Then I read this review: http://ericcressey.com/the-new-balance-minimus-the-best-minimalist-shoe and I decided to walk into a New Balance store.


Now, New Balance shoes have just never worked for me, regardless of the variety. Saucony, Nike or more recently Under Armour just worked better. But 3 months back I tried on a pair of the New Balance Minimus Road shoe (lime/blue one in pic below). Angels started singing, harps playing and a bright light shined from my feet. They felt perfect. First time. Only a few know, but for me shoe shopping was always a nightmare, just like jean shopping, I would have to try on like 30 pairs to get the right one. But first tie up of this shoe and I was lunging, hockey jumping, squatting, vertical jumping and literally scaring the hell out of the staff of the store. These were the shoes for me!

What’s this? A warning on the shoe? That I should slowly acclimate and transition to this shoe starting with only 10% of my running time. Well, I don’t run, I’m just standing around working out so screw it, I’ll just wear them ALL the time. Forget my orthotics. I can’t explain it but I felt every single step of my stride. You literally grip the ground aggressively with each stride. It also forces a mid-foot strike versus the typical heel-toe stride which means more efficient power transfer and less knee strain.

BUT, my feet hurt! Not in an injured way, more like the I just walked 500km straight sort of way. That warning about how it worked the feet, heel and calve muscles a lot more started making sense. AND I started getting a tweaky knee feeling. Whoops, maybe these weren’t the shoes for me. But, then I remembered, here I am again changing how my bones align, how my feet function and maybe I need to have some patience before really putting out a review of this shoe I so wanted to love.

I haven’t worn my orthotics once in 3 months! I don’t need to anymore; in fact they are uncomfortable. I fixed the issue! My feet actually have an arch and it keeps getting stronger!!

New Balance just released their Cross Trainer version of this shoe (my blue/white and my gal’s black/blue ones in picture above) designed specifically for weight training and similar activities. These shoes are a lot closer to Nike Free’s in feel. They don’t emphasize the gripping effect or mid-foot strike as much so they would make a bad shoe for running (especially if you pronate/ankle sag in upon landing)!

What I’ve learned:

1) Feet are very important. Improper alignment of the skeletal structure from the feet up can be the major cause of knee, hip and lower back pain. Being an active person and having a very active job also means I need to take better care of my feet.

2) Get shoes specific to your function. If you’re running, wear a runner (such as the suggested New Balance Minimus Road shoe). If you’re weight training, you need a VERY flat shoe with great lateral support (such as the suggested New Balance Minimus Cross Training shoe). If you’re trail running there is a Minimus Trail shoe. There is also a Minimus Lifestyle shoe for just bombing around in.

3) Spend the money. Look, you can buy a shoe designed for running but then proceed to run, weight lift, walk around and whatever in. That shoe is going to get wrecked within 3-4 months. But you’ve spent $100+ for the shoes so you’re going to stretch that out more like 6-12 months so for 6 months or more you’re destroying your feet. I know it sucks but buy 2 to 3 pairs of shoes, specific to function and wear them only for their intended use. At the end of the day, those 2-3 pairs will last you 2-5x longer essentially costing you the same or less all the while improving your foot health.

About other clients who’ve bought or used the shoe:

Curtis “Big C” Pyke: This guy was having bad ass calve pain during the running training we were doing. Being overweight didn’t help but his cardio capacity was improving so much it was this calve pain stopping him, not his heart rate. His proprioception (balancing signals) were bunk in his old runners as they lifted his heel so far off the ground you’d think his ankles were breakdancing while squatting. So I dragged him down to the New Balance store in Surrey (64 ave/King George) and made him try on a pair of the Minimus Road shoes. He was impressed. But didn’t dig the lime green shoes like mine so ordered a pair of the black/red. The first day he wore them while weight training his ankles stopped quivering. He was also quicker and lighter on his feet. His running wasn’t killing him. It was the shoes.

Jay Kelly: He’s an orthotic victim too. In fact I’m pretty sure he bailed from doing the Spartan Race this year because he didn’t want to run in the mud with his orthotics and god forbid he run in shoes without them! Being the same size foot as I, last week I made him wear my Cross Trainer Minimus shoes for his entire leg workout and aside from doing absolutely EVERYTHING better he was literally dancing between sets hopping around like a maniac. Oh, and he added 15lbs to his best deadlift, setting a new personal recored (PR) for fun. So let’s see, the shoes gave his feet energy back to dance around, he didn’t once bitch about his feet not being in orthotics, and he set a PR by adding 15lbs to his deadlift. Hmmmm, not too shabby.

Tarah Dionne: A avid Nike Free enthusiast (seriously, have you talked with people who love this shoe, you think they were married to it!), when I got my Minimus Road shoe, I had her try on a pair too. She hated it! Right off the bat, she knew it wasn’t for her. Okay, it won’t work for everyone. But her Nike Free’s were dying. Then when I got my Minimus Cross Trainers she tried those too: NOW WE HAD A WIN! They are everything the Nike Free’s are and even better lateral stabilization via the insane gripping power of the bottom of the shoe! I had her lunge, squat, hockey jump, etc around the store (as I tend to do) and in my professional opinion I saw a major improvement in her movement patterns.


You owe it to your walking slaves (your feet) to get into a New Balance store to try on the Minimus line of shoes! And listen to me on this about all shoes: if they don’t feel like magic when you run around the store, squatting, lunging and jumping all over the place (you do that, right?!) then don’t buy them. And if you’re currently in orthotics don’t just stop wearing them. You may need them in your dress shoes or similarly flat, hard rubber, unsupportive shoes. You’ll know if  the shoe is right for you or it it’s not. If the Minimus line is not, then look into the dozen other barefoot inspired products currently on the market.

You’ll thank me later when you’re setting PR’s and feeling more energetic. Just know this is a process and it’s going to take a few months. Time and money well invested!



Reaffirm, Recommit, Reconnect – Part 1

Hello Again Everyone,

It’s September again. You know, that time of year we start buckling down, setting goals and putting in work. It’s also the time of year I realize that the start of this year feels quite the distance away, feeling a lot closer to 2012 than I’d care to admit.

There is a question that no one wants to answer right now, but I’m putting it out there:

Where are you today in relation to what you envisioned, hoped and dreamed of yourself being, building, and achieving way back in January??

Think about it for a moment.

No doubt you have some successes that have amounted. No doubt you’ve had some changes that have permanently affected your every day life. And no doubt you’ve given up on yourself a little here and there (hopefully not A LOT).

Now stick with me for a bit, I’m going to teach you something important about life that you may not know, regardless of how much older than me you may be.

In speaking with a client about the goal setting process I thought I’d share something I found incredibly interesting in my lifetime. Of everything I took in high school, I’m left with a couple of skills namely a great typing speed (got as high as 80wpm after three years of Keyboarding courses), a basic understanding of computers and their various PC applications (thanks to three years of Computer Application courses) and some tidbits from 2 years of psychology and business courses. From the psych course I remember the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change:


Say a person is really overweight, like 5’6″ tall and 300lbs. Well, us fit people think, “why doesn’t that person just…”

Well,  it’s simple, they’re not ready to. They’re in the Pre-contemplation stage, call it denial that change should or needs to happen. Trying to talk to someone in this stage is incredibly frustrating, much like yelling at a brick wall. But trust me, if done in a caring way, it will one day sink in. Then you move to the Contemplation stage where you start thinking about how hard it would be to face things, what it would be like to succeed, fail, what others might think, how much money it might cost you, who would help us or stand in the way, etc. It’s a hard stage to be in.

Then the awesomeness happens: Preparation stage where you start seeking the exact how-to’s to get the goal/job done. VERY, VERY shortly after that information is collected there is a great sense of urgency and excitement that this goal is actually realizable, achievable and that
you now want it more than ever.

This stage MUST be capitalized on NOW or just like many things in life, a small blow of the wind and you lose focus, something comes up that “HAS” to get done now, it can’t wait even for 2 hours (long enough to get some exercise in and make a good meal for yourself). You have 168 hours each week, learn to time manage!

The point is when you realize that you’re in the Preparation stage, heading quickly towards the Action stage – Dive in head first, no holds barred, no fear! DO NOT HESITATE!

From a favorite book of mine (great life/guy wisdom book), the Hagakure: The Way of the Samurai:

“In the words of the ancients, one should make his decisions within the space of seven breaths. Lord Takandobu said, “If discrimination is long, it will spoil.” Lord Naoshige said, “When matters are done leisurely, seven out of ten will turn out badly. A warrior is a person who does things quickly.”

When your mind is going hither and thither, discrimination will never be brought to a conclusion. With an intense, fresh and undelaying spirit, one will make his judgments within the space of seven breaths. It is a matter of be determined and having the spirit to break right through to the other side.”

This passage really stuck with me the past 10 years. Some people ask me how I change my opinion or direction so fast, that’s why. I was inspired by the speed of judgment in this idea of finishing the decision in the space of 7 breaths.

Now what if you’re in the middle or 3/4 into your goals, just like we’re 3/4 into this year?


I personally set goals more from my birthday this year until my birthday next year. January is just another month to me. With all that’s changed in your life, with everything you’ve gained, lost or become, do you still want the same things you did 9 months ago? If your goal back in January was to lose 20 or 50lbs of fat and take hold of your health…where are you into that? Maybe you’re 16 or 45lbs in, well, it’s time to reaffirm that number, maybe bump it up? Do you still want the same things?


Bear down! Put your head in the sand and get to work. Commit yourself to this day to do this, that day to do that. Book yourself an appointment with yourself that CAN’T be broken. Take care of that injury that’s been bugging you the last 6 months already!! (if you need help there let me know, I have great connections) Get back on the horse!


No one achieves greatness alone. No one. There will be periods of success with more introverted focus just as there will be periods of success with more extroverted, tandem or group based focus. That training partner that was really pushing you – call them up! Your boss mentioned a project at work you were really hoping to take ownership of but it hasn’t come up since – book a meeting with them, see how you can help get it going! Your spouse still hasn’t gotten that job at home completed – meet them halfway – go get the tool or resources to make it happen. Reconnect to those you need, want and desire to create ACTION with.

If I can assist you in your fitness, health, sport performance, weight loss or muscle gain goals – then reconnect with me. Everyone needs a coach from time to time. I may be a busy person but I’m always here to help, we’ll make it work somehow.

That’s it, that’s all I’ve got for now. Think about what you wanted in January, what you want still today; get excited by it, do something RIGHT NOW that sets you up for action in the next two days (like booking that appointment for yourself) and call
a friend you want to walk beside on this part of the path your life is headed.



p.s. go check out my brand new websites: www.adriancrowe.com

www.adriancrowe.wordpress.com       www.youtube.com/user/acathletictraining